Choose from options below:
Creative Movement/Pre ballet
Any color leotard, pink or flesh colored tights, pink or flesh colored ballet shoes, hair secured in a bun.
Black pants and white t-shirt with black ballet shoes.
Black leotard, pink or flesh colored tights, pink or flesh colored canvas ballet slippers, hair secured in a bun. Level III + any color leotard. No Jewelry.
White fitted athletic shirt, black shorts or tights, black ballet shoes for ballet. No Jewelry.
Jazz/ Pre Jazz
Any color leotard, tights, leggings or shorts, flesh colored canvas jazz shoes, hair secured in a bun. No Jewelry.
White fitted athletic shirt, black shorts or tights,. No Jewelry.
Tap/ Pre Tap
Fitted athletic clothes, black tap shoes with laces. Please avoid buying slip on tap shoes.
Modern/ Contemporary
Any color leotard, tights, leggings or shorts, barefeet, hair secured in a low ponytail. No Jewelry.
White fitted athletic shirt, black shorts or tights, No Jewelry.
Hip Hop/ Pre Hip Hop
Fitted athletic clothing and clean sneakers, hair secured in a pony tail